game, set, contact!
Heeft u vragen of wilt u meer informatie over het Dutch Junior Open Toernooi? We zijn hier om te helpen! U kunt het onderstaande formulier gebruiken om contact met ons op te nemen. Wij doen ons best om zo snel mogelijk te reageren.
Onze locatie
Sifriedstraat 16,
1901 NS Castricum
Neem contact op

Route naar #dutch junioropen
Hoe kom ik er met de auto?
Neem de snelweg (A9) van Amsterdam naar Alkmaar. Verlaat de snelweg bij de wegwijzer Uitgeest/Catricum. Vervolgens volgt u de borden naar Castricum en eenmaal aangekomen in Castricum staat Dutch Junior Open met borden aangegeven tot aan Bakkum Tennisclub.
Hoe kom ik er met het vliegtuig?
Vlieg naar Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport en neem vanaf daar de trein richting ALKMAAR-DEN HELDER (zorg ervoor dat deze stopt op station Castricum).
U stapt uit bij station Castricum, waar u de tennisclub kunt bellen (tel.nr. 0031 251653363) en wij halen u op. Helaas kunnen we geen spelers ophalen op de luchthaven.
Yvo van der Horst / Janique Ziedzes des Plantes
Ges Oosterlaar / Esmee van der Horst / Claudia Veerkamp
belangrijke telefoon nummers!
Qualifying players, early arrivals and accompanying persons
Qualifying players, early arrivals and accompanying persons need to make a reservation through the reservation form below before the start of the tournament to secure accommodation in one of the tournament hotels. Please fill out the reservation form below and send it to housingdjo@gmail.com. Only then when we’re able to make a reservation. We will try to accommodate all qualifiers, early arrivals and accompanying persons at the tournament hotels. Please note that according to the ITF rules players and coaches are not allowed to share a room, except when the coach is family. Please keep this in mind when filling out the reservation form.
So please reserve early since full is full applies.
Main draw players
All main draw players will be staying in host families. If a main draw player prefers to stay in a hotel they need to pay for it themselves. If you arrive before monday the 1th of July you have to make a hotel reservation to secure accommodation. You can make a reservation by filling out the reservation form (below) and send it to housingdjo@gmail.com.
If you have any questions regarding the hospitality please send an email to housingdjo@gmail.com.
Official coaches
coaches and official coaches will stay at one of our hotels. There is no free hospitality for the official coaches. Coaches will stay at one of the official tournament hotels. Coaches will be assigned to one of the hotels depending on the current availability.